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Nina Garcia’s Look Book: What to Wear for Every Occasion




商品訊息簡述: top ”We must all listen to Nina Garcia. Sharp and genuine, her advice can make or break an outfit.”--Tim Gunn Believe me--there’s pressure when you’re deciding what to wear to a meeting with an iconic fashion designer or a member of the press. It can be terrifying. But instead of panicking, I stop, take a deep breath, and remember that I speak ”fashion.”+And by the time you have read this book, you’ll be able to speak the language of fashion too, at all the key moments of your life.--from Nina Garcia’s Look Book Every woman, at one time or another, has contemplated an all-important job interview, first date, formal party, or important presentation and wailed to herself and to her closest girlfriends, ”What should I wear?”+In Nina Garcia’s Look Book, style guru Nina Garcia solves this universal quandary with an inspired and unbeatable combination of fashion knowledge and common sense. She shows us the pieces, the accessories, and the strategies to create the looks that will take us from the first day on a job through the day we ask for a raise and beyond, from the first time we meet our boyfriend’s parents (or his children) through the day we see our own children walk down the aisle. With Nina by your side, you can’t go wrong. You’ll have all the tips you will need to navigate every day looking your best. True style is not about having a closet full of expensive and beautiful things--it is instead about knowing when, where, and how to utilize your collection.作者簡介 Author of three bestselling books on style, Nina Garcia is also fashion director of Marie Claire and star judge on the hit Lifetime reality series Project Runway. Ruben Toledo is a painter, sculptor, and illustrator. His artwork has appeared in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and the New York Times, among many other publications. Nina Garcia is the fashion director of Marie Claire, a star judge of the hit Lifetime reality series Project Runway, the author of three bestselling books on style, and serves as Target’s 2010 Style Expert. Prior to her work with Marie Claire, she worked as Fashion Director at Elle, and prior to that held positions at both Mirabella and Perry Ellis. Garcia is relied upon as a fashion authority and has participated in numerous television interviews, most recently appearing on The View and The Today Show, among others.

Nina Garcia’s Look Book: What to Wear for Every Occasion


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